
What is FONCE.ca?

FONCE.ca is a virtual information centre that acts as a one-stop portal where French-speaking adults can find service providers offering education and training services in Northern Ontario.

FONCE.ca offers personalized support and referrals to French-speaking adults who wish to return to their studies or who are looking for general or specialized training.

The FONCE.ca portal offers several services for French-speaking adults:

  • A personalized information service to support future learners in the process of returning to their studies or to help them access a specific training or education opportunity;
  • Skills assessment, through an online assessment process focusing on written French, math and computer skills;
  • A referral service, to help learners access the service providers that best meet their needs, according to their location, goals and skills.


Take charge of your future!

FONCE.CA will help you find training services near you.

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